
Jeld-Wen. New two-panel steel exterior door styles are available to enhance the curb appeal and energy efficiency of entryways. Made from 24-gauge steel, the doors feature wide panels and crisp design details, and come pre-primed and ready to paint. Optional lites are available in 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, and full-lite sizes, as well as sidelites. In most cases, the doors retain their tax credit eligibility when lites are added. The maker also offers several windows that are eligible for tax credits. 800.535.3936.

Editor’s note: For the rest of 2009, Remodeling will include a Stimulus products section focusing on tax credit–eligible materials. To be eligible for tax credits, windows and doors must have at least a 0.3 U-factor and 0.3 solar heat gain coefficient, and must be placed in service between Feb. 17, 2009 and Dec. 31, 2010. For more information on provisions for windows and doors in the stimulus package, visit