Two decades ago, no one thought people would pay a buck fifty for an element that flows freely across our planet, but today bottled water is a $10 billion industry. Now, it's air's turn. More
The energy crisis, as we called it back then, spurred a flurry of energy conservation. The northern New England company I worked for in 1976 was an early adopter of 2x6 framing and later of foam sheathing to boost insulation levels. Double-pane windows, which were not well known at the time, soon became standard fare, as did set-back thermostats and more efficient HVAC appliances. More
Originally made to prevent air and water infiltration, housewrap products now are... More
Germ paranoia among consumers seems to have reached an all-time high. That makes... More
The transformation of the 1977 ranch house with its cramped box of a kitchen to a... More