How much revenue do you need to cover overhead expense? In this short video, we... More
There are plenty of ways to lose money in the construction business, and one of the easiest is under-charging for labor. More
You hear these terms used interchangeably, as if they were the same. As dollar... More
The price that remodelers charge for installing a wood or vinyl window can vary as much as 37% depending on which of 101 metro areas they're operating in, REMODELING's 2014 Cost vs. Value report finds. Prices tended to be lowest in the Deep South and highest along the Pacific coast. More
Oftentimes, remodeling prospects ask to have their proposal broken out in detail and or price. If this is something your business is willing to do, REMODELING columnist Shawn McCadden suggests you explore these critical considerationswith them before you leave to prep your proposal. More
Got a money-saving idea? Enter it into our Cheapskate Challenge contest and you could win a new Dewalt jigsaw kit. More
What percent of your fulltime employees' hours can't be billed to a project? REMODELING contributors Melanie Hodgdon and Leslie Shiner say that not knowing the answer can cost you big-time. More
Time and materials contracts are a risky proposition for all but the biggest, replacement contractor-oriented remodelers, Judith Miller argues. Well-run traditional remodelers don't need T&M to succeed--and usually couldn't succeed if they used it. More
Use the right words to educate potential clients about the pricing process. More
Cloud-based software, such as BuilderTrend, allows remodelers to update and access project information wherever they are. More