Performance bonds guarantee the job, whether your company is there to complete it or not. But few residential contractors offer them. More
Tips for tightening up your contracts to reduce your liability in the age of the EPA's Lead: Renovation, Repair and Painting rule, courtesy of attorney Andrea Goldman. More
With government stimulus dollars flowing into the building industry, remodelers who previously shied away from government contracts should take a fresh look at this type of work. More
Learn from your mistakes and update your contracts so that they reflect lessons learned from situations that cost you time, money, or customer goodwill. More
When remodelers talk about government contract work itís usually to gripe about the paperwork. But there are jobs and money out there, and remodelers shouldnít let paperwork stop them from profiting. More
Contractors must register with the state under new Home Improvement Consumer Protection Act. More
Pennsylvaniaís new contractor-based laws may be a sign of things to come for other states. More
Getting referrals on the night you close is the sale after the sale. Here's how to do it. More
An independent designer asks about his liability exposure, and a top design/build... More