With up to seven vehicles on the road every day, ABC Seamless of Northeast Ohio, a roofing, siding, sunroom, and window company, is definitely feeling the fuel pinch. More
There is a house in Omaha, Neb., that is unlike any other in the stateóperhaps the country. Built under HUD's Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing (PATH), this "Concept Home" is loaded with 60 of the best technologies and products home building has to offer and is seen as a model for the future of home construction. The roof the agency chose to use on the house is made from metal. More
Not long after Bob Priest bought Burr Roofing 21 years ago, he found himself at a Chamber of Commerce meeting in Darien, Conn. A local funeral director stepped forward to introduce himself. "You know, Bob," he said, "our businesses are very much alike. It isn't a matter of if, it's just a matter of when." More
In the past, when you walked into their homes, prospects might have known what three-tab shingles were. You probably would have had to explain that architectural shingles are heavier, can take more heat, and look better. And then they'd want to know if there would be a Dumpster and whether or not the plants would get ruined. More
When it comes to below-ground support structures, necessity is clearly the mother... More
Over the last several years, metal roofs have grown increasingly popular with... More
The problem with replacement roofing in my market," says Brett Hall, co-owner of Hall Roofing in Arlington, Texas, "is that we've made it a commodity." More
Slipping shingles. Common causes include using too few fasteners, overdriving and... More
Hurricane Katrina reminded contractors that price increases -- sudden, unavoidable, and steep -- could easily be brought on by product shortages arising from a natural disaster. And with the price of vinyl, asphalt, and other materials associated with exterior remodeling projects rising, no specialty contractor anywhere escaped rising product costs in 2005. More