Look twice when you get a customer's check, since you can't cancel the effect of restrictive language by simply crossing it out. More
The convenience of company credit cards can leave you open to loss or abuse if those cards are not tightly managed. More
Working with a Certified Public Accountant can help you make strategic decisions that make a real difference to the success of your company. More
You have to know how much it actually costs to produce a job in order to arrive at a price that's profitable for your company. More
A step-by-step guide for creating an outline budget or an itemized budget, depending on your company's size and complexity. More
To make sure your business can survive in this economy, you need real-time information about your business's performance. Set up systems that you can expand and upgrade as your company grows. More
Come January 2012 you'll be facing more paperwork due to a change to the tax code section that governs when a business must issue a Form 1099 to a worker or service provider. More
Ask yourself these seven key questions when you review your monthly income statement and balance sheet. More
More remodelers are cautiously gunning for growth without incurring the fixed-overhead costs of permanent or full-time hires. More