Gobble-Fite Lumber Co.

Product: Mouser Custom Cabinetry

Brenda says: “Our family-owned company, Gobble-Fite, was founded in 1934, so it’s well established. Gobble-Fite is a dealer for Mouser Custom Cabinetry, which was started in 1955 and is also a family-owned business. It’s a phenomenal company with great people and is one of the few companies that I have the home and cell phone numbers for the president — and we’re talking about a $30 million company. Dave Mouser is still the president and he’s accessible to anybody in his dealer network.

Mouser’s custom cabinetry is incredible. The product goes through a 17-step process and comes out with a finish that gives it the feel of a fine piece of furniture.

The company will be rolling out a semi-custom line in the spring, which will go through the same manufacturing process and have the same quality as the custom line but it will open up a lot of opportunities for clients who aren’t looking for a premium line.

Our area wasn’t hit as hard by the downturn as other parts of the country, but things are still a bit slow. Our job is to give clients the best quality possible even if they don’t have a lot of money to spend. Mouser’s new line will help us do that.

—Lauren Hunter, associate editor, REMODELING.

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