Metal roofing is poised to have a strong year in 2020, with market share holding steady and possibly trending up slightly for the remainder of the year, according to the Metal Roofing Alliance. FW Dodge market share data indicates metal residential re-roofing accounted for 13% of the total residential re-roofing market in the United States, making it the second most preferred roofing material.
"While it's impossible to know what the year may hold, we are confident residential metal roofing will continue to experience strong demand as U.S. and Canadian homeowners become more familiar with its benefits, especially in light of climate extremes, heightened environmental awareness and resilient home trends," Renee Ramey, executive director of the MRA, said in a public statement.
The south and midwest are driving the most interest in metal roofing in the U.S., according to the MRA. Interest in metal roofing is continuing to increase in Florida and Texas, two areas that suffered extreme weather events and had strong repair and remodel activity in 2019. Homeowners report the need for greater protection, reliability in extreme climate conditions, and longevity as the top reasons for wanting metal roofs.
Cleveland-based research organization The Freedonia Group also projects strong growth for the metal roofing market segment. The group forecasts demand for metal roofing will outpace demand growth for the overall roofing market through 2023. The Freedonia Group predicts sales of metal roofing will likely be boosted by manufacturers' efforts to offer standing seam metal panels in a wider array of colors and patterns to offer greater aesthetic appeal to homeowners. Homeowners' desires to install cool roofing materials to reduce utility bills also is a factor that likely bodes well for metal roofing. Metal roofs can lower energy use and reduce a home's carbon footprint and metal roofs can be 100% recycled at the end of their lifecycle, according to the MRA.