The 2% purchase discount on your supplier invoices might not seem worth the... More
In this segment of Do the Math, former Remodeling editor Sal Alfano looks at two... More
A lot of contractors answer customer price objections by offering discounts. But it's hard to recover money that you've given away. More
How much revenue do you need to cover overhead expense? In this short video, we... More
There are plenty of ways to lose money in the construction business, and one of the easiest is under-charging for labor. More
You hear these terms used interchangeably, as if they were the same. As dollar... More
It's tempting to offer a discount in order to close a sale. But you may just have given away the bank, and will have to win much more work to make up for the loss. More
How much revenue do you need to cover expenses? Hint: It's not the same as the overhead dollar amount. More
How about throwing in a free half-bath with that new kitchen? According to new research, consumers see items given away for free as being more valuable than those offered at a deep discount, particularly when paired with something seen as a luxury. More