Mike Gervais

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Renewable Reach: Interest in Wind Turbines Grows, But Slowly

Though there may be an increased interest in wind turbines among homeowners, incentives are required if the market is to gain momentum. More

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How To: Get the Best Pricing From Suppliers

Strengthen supplier and subcontractor relationships for better pricing on your remodeling jobs. More

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Following the remodeling rules

Remodeling is by its very nature a contentious process. But there is no magic bullet to protect against run-ins with customers or, worse, with their lawyers. The best protection, many remodelers agree, is as simple as establishing the rules and then making sure everyone follows them. More

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Spin Masters

If life goes according to business plan, an Owens Corning basement finishing system franchise will be Gary Eichhorst's ticket to future retirement. "Once I get it developed the way I want, it will give me an exit strategy because it will have proven revenues year after year." More

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