I've remodeled houses for more than 25 years and am still amazed at the amount of... More
Here are three "space-and-brace" metal products that could save you on that time... More
Recently a homeowner asked me to replace rotting entrance door kickboards with a material that looks like wood but won't soak up moisture. SynBoard is based in Texas, but your local lumberyard's sales rep should know how to get the product from the distributor. Bill Posey, owner of W.E. Posey in Shelburne, Vt., reports good results with AZEK Trimboards. More
Today's fall protection and staging systems create a safer workplace for the remodeler on the job. Here are a few systems that can help prevent catastrophic mishaps on your jobs. More
Remodelers aren't called upon to build as many foundations as new home builders,... More