Kelly Wright

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Project Mangement for Large Jobs

Many remodelers rely on a single project manager for each job, concentrating the decision-making power and supervisory duties with that one individual. But what about when a project is so large or multifaceted that there just arenít enough hours in the day for one person to accomplish the task? More

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Dramatic renovation transforms European cottage

Perched on a high hill in Greenwich, Conn., this beautiful property finally has a... More

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Presenting projects to pique architect's curiosity

Kelly Wright, of Wright Brothers Builders in Westport, Conn., has discovered a way to pique architects' curiosity in his work while presenting his projects in high style.In his presentation packet, Wright includes photographs of homes his $14-million company has renovated or built. More

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Big50 profile of Kelly Wright

When he was named Big 50 in 1991, 90% of Kelly Wright's work was remodeling. Wright recently started Wright Homeworks to handle $2,000 to $200,000 jobs such as kitchens, bathrooms, and decks. More

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