The remodeling industry is poised for a recovery, but challenges remain. Here's a look at the key hurdles to overcome and how some remodelers are tackling them head-on. More
Coming out of the recession, small and nimble look to be the traits most important to remodeling companies in 2010. More
From the beginning to the end of any remodel, variables abound and chance may play a part beyond anyone's expectations. When a company succeeds, it does so, in a sense, by reducing that variability, by exerting as much control as possible over the job's every detail. More
In recent years, many remodelers have taken up the subcontractor mantle -- for... More
Frustrated that his field staff weren't always thorough óor honest ó in recording... More
Managers who provide fair compensation and involve their field staff in the... More
Architects are intrigued by origami. And by high-profile architects. Contractor... More