When one of your employees is dealing with a death in the family, it can affect the whole team. More
Remodelers discuss taking time out of their business to focus of family and the other things that really matter. More
A prospect calls you and says, “I'm interested in remodeling my kitchen. When can... More
My company's new project supervisor is struggling to keep jobs on track. I hired him because I thought his learning curve would be fairly low. How can I help him to quickly get up to speed with what my business needs? More
What can one do to maintain a skilled workforce in an environment where qualified personnel are rare and emplyee poaching is prevalent? More
I've owned and operated my own remodeling company for more than 15 years, and while I've been lucky enough to be relatively successful, I'm bored. I wake up most mornings not looking forward to the day ahead. What can I do to turn my thinking around? More
I'm struggling with how much time to spend in the office vs. time in the field. Aside from cloning myself, how can I balance what feels like the need to be both places at once? More
My team hit a snag on a job while I was away. Instead of resolving the issues and moving forward, they let the job sit until I returned. Why isn't my team able to do anything without me being there to oversee it? More
The number of hours my business partner puts in appears to be taking a toll on him personally, and is affecting his behavior. How can I bring this up without him taking offense? More
With more than 80 courses, including CAPS, CGR, workshops, and seminars, offered in this year's Remodeling Show conference program, there are more opportunities than ever for remodelers to learn from the experts. More