Creating leak-proof window installations reduces Mark IV Builders' leak callbacks and ultimately saves the company money. More
ANDY HANNAN on what's to be gained by communicating decision-making authority to employees and subcontractors. More
ANDY HANNAN: Hiring the right employees and emphasizing customer service helps maintain company culture in the field and ensures customer satisfaction. More
ANDY HANNAN: Streamlining selections on small projects to keep these jobs on track and profitable. More
It's important for all your team members ó both new and seasoned guys ó to pitch in to give clients a positive experience and guarantee the success of the company. More
Schedules provide a snapshot of active, completed, and future tasks. Don't underestimate how important effective scheduling is to your success. More
What will your company look like in 2011? Can you organize your company to operate more efficiently and make small jobs pay? More
Keeping up employee morale while contending with staff lay-offs and pay cuts is a challenge. Small gestures can be meaningful ways to boost morale. More
How one remodeler prepared subcontractors, clients, and insurers for the April 22 roll-out of the EPA's Renovation, Repair and Painting law. More
Smaller jobs and a trimmer staff have compelled this company to adopt a philosophy of peer-to-peer accountability, with great promise. More