Consultant and veteran remodeler Paul Winans blogs about preparing for your business as much as you prepare for each job. More
Blogger and consultant Paul Winans talks about the importance of continuing to have an annual meeting even if your schedule is full. More
Highlights from Victoria Downingís presentation at the 2012 Remodeling Show focusing on effective marketing techniques for getting more universal design leads. More
Paul Winans blogs about using books and weekly meetings to help create a mission and a core-values statement. More
Paul Winans blogs about charting your own course as a business owner. More
Blogger Paul Winans explains what the DISC personality profile might look like for the ideal office manager. More
Going behind the scenes with employees can help educate prospects More
Veteran remodeler and consultant Paul Winans blogs about how being passionate... More
Paul Winans blogs about communicating with clients early on to avoid having to value-engineer later in the process. More
Victoria Downing shares the Remodelers Advantage onboarding checklist for new hires. More