Victoria Downing tells of a Michigan remodeler who didn't just write a set of core values; he refers to those values at every one of its weekly staff meetings. The result? Happy customers and a successful business. More
Your office manager fills a key role at your company and is the first point of contact for many customers. More
By working 10-hour days Monday through Thursday so they could donate Fridays, the crew of Morris Builders in Rockford, Mich., built an 8-by-10-foot playhouse, auctioned off with eight others that were also donated to Habitat for Humanity. Owners Kirk and Joy Morris are rightly proud of their contribution. But for Morris, the biggest benefit was seeing Kirk and their employees having fun and connecting as they worked together, "and getting as creative as you wanted to," she says. More
With construction complaints usually ranking in the top three grievances at the... More