CARL SEVILLE: It takes only a bit of extra effort to create a truly sustainable remodel. And that effort is worth it, both in terms of client satisfaction and the benefit to the environment. More
ED VOYTOVICH: What is a HERS rating, anyway? And what do HERS raters do? A guide for the perplexed. More
The Home Star program introduced earlier this year is on hold in Congress. More
Many remodelers believe that there is a legitimate need for home performance certifications, specifically. More
Industry insiders believe the major drivers of home-efficiency improvements will... More
In what may become the homeís equivalent of a carís M.P.G., momentum is building for a simple method of scoring a homeís environmental impact. More
To improve energy performance of its projects, Byggmeister Associates, in Newton, Mass., conducts a blower-door test to determine airtightness. More