Composite Panel Association

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Ways for Remodelers to Create Wealth During Retirement

How three remodeling company owners who started out small have amassed high personal net worth. More

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Exit Planning: Creating a Methodical Plan for a Successful Sale

Planning for the sale of a remodeling company typically takes longer than most owners imagineóabout a year to plan and six or so years to execute. Here's what to keep in mind as you map your path. More

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Avoid Abuse of Company Credit Cards

James Leisner, CPA, is director of corporate services for Stonebridge Business Partners, a Rochester, N.Y., company providing a variety of compliance and forensic investigative services to institutions, government organizations, nonprofits, and businesses. More

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Victoria Downing: Money Matters

Working with a Certified Public Accountant can help you make strategic decisions that make a real difference to the success of your company. More

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The 412(i) plan is a retirement investment option for small-business owners

The 412(i) plan is a retirement investment option for small-business owners with a... More

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Who Does the Books?

When Jim Lett started his window and door business, A.B.E. Window & Doorin Allentown, Pa., he did everything himself -- including the books. Soonenough, however, Lett began to outsource his bookkeeping. He still does, ata cost of between $450 and $500 a month. Generally, costsat home improvement companies that outsource bookkeeping range from $200 to $1,000 per month. More

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Paying overtime may be worth it

Who has the higher labor burden rate ó one of your higher- or lower-paid employees... More

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LLC or S-Corp.?

Should a home-improvement company be structured as an S-corp. or an LLC? Experts say choosing a form of business ownership depends on several key factors, including tax concerns, potential risks and business liabilities, desire for flexible management structure, and future investment needs. More

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Before+After: Second Chance

Homeowner John Carmean and his wife, Chris, are no newcomers to tragedy. Their... More

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Be Aware of Internal Fraud

In my years of experience as a CPA and certified internal auditor, I have seen a high rate of significant internal frauds. Most checks are processed by the thousands in the bank's batch mode and signatures are not checked by anyone. More

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