It's certainly possible to apply multiple markups, but it's critical that the... More
When roofing contractors screw up, two things happen: the industry gets a bad name and competent contractors get more work. REPLACEMENT CONTRACTOR blogger Mike Damora knows—he sees it all the time. More
Increased demand will make independent subcontractors more valuable than ever. Here's how to keep them coming back. More
From lead paint to lead carpenters, here are the topics and articles that got our readers' attention in 2013. More
When you contemplate which benchmarks to use to measure your remodeling's progress, don't forget to include focusing on compliance and legal issues, Richard Feeley says. Omitting them could cause you to overlook several important foundations to success. More
Cloud-based software, such as BuilderTrend, allows remodelers to update and access project information wherever they are. More
Asking subcontractors to sign a code of conduct to help ensure consistent high standards. More
Asking subcontractors to manage jobsites can help you in tough times by increasing... More
A remodeler who wants to continue growing his company without hiring more permanent staff turns to a network of subcontractors to get things done. More
Blogger Kathy Shertzer discusses the importance of creating friendships and building trust with your subcontractors. More