Wouldn't it be great if you knew a job would be profitable as soon as you took the initial call? Glen Lumia, president and CEO of Creative Design Construction & Remodeling, in Northvale, N.J., can predict the future in that way. By looking at historical data, he has identified his company's “sweet spot” — the jobs that are most profitable for the company.
Lumia assigned a value of zero, three, five, or 10 points to each component of a project, then placed each in this “job type list.” The Creative Design employee talking the call or walk-in works through a call sheet (not shown), referring to this form for the appropriate scores.
This form is essentially a scoring key for remodeling leads. Depending on its total score, the completed call sheet is placed in a color-coded folder based on priority.
A. Lumia’s company has design, construction, and cabinet divisions, and he has found that those jobs that cover all three areas are most profitable. So leads for projects involving cabinets — kitchens and bathrooms in particular — receive the most points.
B. “Sweet spot” projects are in bolded blue text; point values are in red type in parentheses.
C. Proximity to the company’s showroom, as well as “the kinds of projects we’d expect to do there,” Lumia says, dictate the point values for area towns.
D. Although a referral from a previous client receives a point value, these leads are automatically given priority — no matter what the job is.
E. Some of these referrals include names of local suppliers. You’d want to adapt this form to fit your own marketing.