From the minute Dan Luck took over Modern Kitchen in 1989, the name of the company bothered him. The family-owned company had been around since 1963, and the moniker had limited it ever since. “It says modern and it says kitchen,” Luck says. “People would ask if we did entertainment centers and bathrooms. We wanted to broaden, not limit ourselves to one category.”

The president of the Madison, Wis., company finally decided to change the name at a time when it would have the greatest impact. So he waited until February 2003 when he opened a new showroom in a highly visible location.

Luck wanted a unique name that would generate curiosity. He consulted a marketing agency for help in choosing the right name. Together, they came up with Bella Domicile. He says his clients are educated and well traveled. “Most know bella means beautiful and domicile is dwelling,” he says.

Since the move and the name change, Luck has received positive reactions to the name. Drivers-by visit the showroom because they are curious about what the company has to offer.

He chose a name that is flexible and encompasses more than just kitchens and baths for two reasons. First, he wanted the name to cover any type of expansion, to include the selling of other house products such as furniture or lighting. Second, Luck wanted a name he could trademark nationwide for use on the Internet. “It positions us for the next 40 years,” he says.