Bob Fleming of Classic Remodeling & Construction has discovered a powerful Web-based tool that allows him to measure how management-level employees perform with customers. It helps him compare project managers with each other and also to those at other contracting companies.
GuildQuality ( of Atlanta, has offered the survey tool since 2001, and it's used by 70 contractors, according to Geoffrey Graham, president of the company. Graham says his surveys allow small-volume contractors to measure customer loyalty and company quality the way large-volume builders do. “I want to help the industry do an exceptional job,” Graham says.
The typical annual cost for surveys runs up to $1,800.
Fleming has seen customer satisfaction go from 87% to 96.6% over two years. He has improved by acting on the results of the survey and using them as a basis for employee incentives. He says because it's a third-party survey, it means he gets more-honest client feedback.