Longevity has been key for Rick Willet. Several carpenters and the production manager have been with the company at least 16 years. Willet says these employees have become “the face of the company.”

Willet adds that there is no magic bullet for keeping employees so long. He says that they simply enjoy working for the company and he treats them like family, paying them as best he can and including them in company decisions.

“We talk about everything within the company,” Willet says. “We are open to suggestions to make it a better company for our customers and also a better company for our employees.”

He also makes sure his subs adhere to the same company ideals. Subs sign an agreement that lays out the company’s expectations. In addition, Willet meets with his subcontractors to revisit the expectations and to get feedback about his company from the subs.

Happy employees bring happy customers. Willet says about 60% of his business comes from repeat and referral clients. And more than that, Willet says some of those clients have come back frequently. While some customers may return every three years or so with a project, Willet has some clients who return to the company for a new project every year.

“In our mission statement, it's stressed that our main purpose is to provide such great service they can’t wait to do the next project,” Willet says. “I account this to all our team that they make it such an enjoyable process. … My employees have made Willet Construction what it is today.”