Leon Noel worked in corporate America for 30 years before he bought a 10-year-old remodeling business and moved from California to Oregon to take it over. He brought his professionalism with him in the form of a formal business plan as well as one-year plans that he shares with his staff. The company has grown from 2 employees to 10, with little turnover. “I empower my people to make their own decisions,” Noel says.
Processes and procedures have made the greatest difference for Noel, who says, “I don't think there's a system we don't have.” YKB has a catalog of standard operating procedures that covers every aspect of the remodeling process. The other focus area is customer service, where Noel believes the company shines. “Our two mottoes: ‘Service is where it begins,' and ‘C.A.R.E., customers are really everything,' are printed on cards, and every employee has one in [his] wallet,” Noel says.
He is working toward more exposure and doubling volume over the next five years.
- Stacey Freed