From its new office in downtown San Francisco, Moroso Construction is a short hop from the types of projects that have ushered it into the ranks of the Bay Area's upper-echelon remodelers: complex, old-house renovations that often top seven digits — and in one case, eight.
The company relocated in April from nearby Pacifica, and that willingness to refresh with the times is evident in other ways, too. Fully integrated office technology extends to laptops for lead carpenters, who can write change orders and review contracts remotely. Long committed to sustainability, the company is active in green building organizations; founder Jeff Moroso (left) and two lead carpenters have green building certifications.
Progressive management practices encourage staff to think long-term. Moroso, who came to California in 1972 with a degree in psychology and math, identified Ron Bond (center) and Rod Heisler (right) as future business partners when he hired them as carpenters — Bond, he says, “on day one of the company” and Heisler a decade later. The company is open book, distributes annual bonuses to all (and project bonuses to leads), and pays for employees' night-school degrees in construction management.
“I think we have something special going on,” Moroso says. “Subcontractors tell us: ‘We love working with you.'”
- Leah Thayer