Of his suburban Philadelphia company, which can often be found renovating an 18th-century cottage or estate, Brett King (second from left) says: “We enjoy doing work that others think is too difficult and needs too much interaction with the client.”
The same focus that has gone into defining King's scope of work has gone into defining and developing his expertise. Unlike many remodeling company owners, King has not put down the toolbelt, and spends most of his time in the field. His co-owner — vice president and wife Kim (far left) — and office manager Diana Miller (third from left) run the business. “I focus on what I do best,” King says. “It's our attention to detail and diversity that set us apart from other high-end remodelers.”
King also is determined to maintain a good work-life balance. The company workday is from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., and he won't meet clients on weekends or evenings. “I love what I do, but it's not who I am,” King says.