Laying a solid foundation for a working relationship during the first sales meeting.
Hard to believe, but recessions and construction slowdowns still catch some remodelers by surprise. Others keep their ear to the ground.
Over the last several years, metal roofs have grown increasingly popular with consumers. The Metal Roofing Alliance (MRA), a nonprofit association of metal manufacturers and contractors, estimates metal's share of the roofing market at around 8%, with a projected 1% annual growth.
How do you pinpoint an appropriate growth target? It begins, experts say, with knowing both yourself and your company: Who are your ideal clients? What's an ideal project? Where in the region do you prefer to work?
The phone stopped ringing in Tom Davison's Sonoma, Calif., office in early 2001. Not a year after Davison Remodeling celebrated its best earnings ever, the unwanted quiet set off a two-year slide that almost killed the company.