Paul Irwin

Paul Irwin's Posts

  • Ten remodelers answer 12 questions about yesterday's building boom, today's business challenges, and tomorrow's commitments toward rebuilding their companies. The final question: If you could rebuild your remodeling company from the ground up, what would it look like?

  • Ten remodelers answer 12 questions about yesterday's building boom, today's business challenges, and tomorrow's commitments toward rebuilding their companies. This question: How much will you cut your profit margins to get a job?

  • Ten remodelers answer 12 questions about yesterday's building boom, today's business challenges, and tomorrow's commitments toward rebuilding their companies. This question: What marketing strategies are working for you?

  • Are you looking for a better billing method? Billing against a schedule of values (SOV) is standard procedure for large, commercial contractors, but is often misunderstood and infrequently used by residential remodelers. Many small businesses fail, often from a lack of cash flow. Implementing an SOV as a contractual and management tool can help.

  • By Design

    My favorite building material may be brick, but like many builders, I don't often have a chance to use it in a way that highlights its inherent qualities and potential. I need to work on that.

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